Nowadays, individuals are using unhealthy foods, smoking, alcohol, and other harmful items in their routine. Among these, smoking is one of the most harmful habits for the health of individuals. Also, smoking cause risk to fertility in men and women. That’s why; mostly fertility specialists advise their patients to stop smoking while planning to conceive a baby. Otherwise, your child has to face several health issues in future. Have a look at the 10 ways smoking harms your fertility:
- ED (Erectile Dysfunction): - As per a recent study, smoking is one of the main reasons behind erectile dysfunction in males. Excessive smoking may lead to side effects on your sexual health. In such a situation, it is difficult to get erection power in the penis.
- Higher chances of damaged DNA: - Because of the smoking, the DNA in the sperm may be damaged. Usually, smoking detests the available DNA in sperm.
- Delicate heart: - If you are taking excessive doses of smoking (above 20 cigarettes in a day) can cause serious health problems for the baby in future. In other words, your baby may have to experience heart problems or childhood leukaemia.
- Undeveloped sperms: - In reality, sperms keep producing in the male’s body on a daily basis. As per scientific research, sperm take around 3 months to mature. Hence, the fertility specialist always recommends the patient to stop smoking before 3 months of the planning for a baby. Commonly, smoking is not good for health because it can cause several health issues in the body.
- Higher chances of birth obstructions in babies: - Smoking causes risk of birth defects in upcoming babies. If women are using smoking in their routine during pregnancy, they may have to face miscarriages. Along with miscarriages, upcoming babies also have to face several certain problems like low birth weights, premature birth and other birth problems.
- Decrease the fertility level in your child: - During pregnancy, if women are going through heavy doses of smoking, it is possible to have a low level of fertility in a girl child. Also, it may have several side effects on the growth of ovaries (in girl babies). However, boy babies also have to experience a low level of fertility when women are using excessive doses of smoking.
- Higher chances of miscarriages: - Using cigarettes during the pregnancy period is not good for both babies and mothers. Also, there are higher chances of miscarriages in women. Smoking decreases the level of fertility in several ways. It affects both males and females. If you want to get a healthy pregnancy and child, it is better to avoid/stop smoking (especially women).
- Higher chances of ectopic pregnancy: - Due to smoking, women may have to face ectopic pregnancy. When a baby starts to develop outside the womb of women (in fallopian tubes), this situation is known as ectopic pregnancy. In the fallopian tubes, there are fewer chances of the survival of the baby. This is a very critical situation for both baby and mother.
- Decrease the level of fertility: - If any woman is smoking, there are fewer chances of getting a successful pregnancy. Sometimes, women are unable to conceive a baby without any assisted reproductive techniques.
- Decrease the production of female hormones: - Lastly, smoking has negative impacts on the production of hormones in women. These hormonal problems are not good for the health of both babies and mothers.
Getting pregnant is not an easy task nowadays. Due to unhealthy foods, alcohol, smoking, and other harmful things, most couples are unable to have a normal delivery. If you want to have a healthy baby, it is advised to quit all bad habits, especially smoking and alcohol. Use healthy things and live a healthy life always.