So, you are going to become pregnant? Congratulations on that. But, you have to take care of your health properly. During the pregnancy period, a woman gets affected a lot from the surrounding. That is why; the pregnant women take cares about their surrounding and hygiene. But have you thought about air pollution? It is a fact that air pollution also affects the pregnant woman. The air you should be fresh and clean. In the research, it is said that air pollution also brings adverse effects on the body. As well as, the babies also get affected due to air pollution. If you are pregnant, you must know about the impacts of air pollution on pregnant women.
What air pollution is?
Air pollution can be in many forms. The air pollution includes ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, the exhaust of vehicles, emissions from the building; which can affect the pregnant women. When the woman inhales the air, it directly affects the baby as well.
The symptoms when the woman caught in touch with air pollution. So the symptoms are:
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Cancer
- Damage to lungs
- Chronic fatigue
- Weak eyesight
- Respiratory diseases
By the way, air pollution is not suitable for any healthy person. But still, it has a severe adverse impact on the pregnant woman. It can cause severe respiratory issues to the baby from his birth.
Hope you got, how much the air pollution affects the pregnant woman. So better is to keep the pollution in concern, and be safe.