Studies say that smoking during pregnancy even a single cigarette a day can enhance the chance of risk of sudden unexpected infant death. Your entire body becomes quite sensitive during pregnancy and that is why you need to make sure that you are having a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you are having a healthy lifestyle.
Studies say that habits of mothers smoked for all live births between 2007-11 did abstain from smoking during pregnancy and it brought lower the SUID rates following 22 percent.
This is why doctors also say that pregnant women should avoid having smoked. It also leaves a negative effect on your baby. He might have serious birth defects. Every year these cases happen because of doing smoking by mothers during smoking. If you are not able to get rid of smoking since you have been doing it for a long time.
Do consult with your doctor since they can suggest the best treatment for it to get rid of it. They may suggest the best ways to avoid smoking during pregnancy. Do not consider any drug to quit smoking without consulting with your doctors. Only go with what your doctors suggest to you. Mannat Fertility is the best platform to have the best treatment from the experts.