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First Signs Of Pregnancy

First Signs Of Pregnancy

During pregnancy, major hormonal changes take place. It might trigger various symptoms down the road. Some women feel multiple symptoms while others will go through just a few of them. Some of the symptoms of early pregnancy will be breast changes, missed periods, frequent urination, tiredness, vomiting and nausea and more.

But, these symptoms are caused by other factors and won’t necessarily mean that you are pregnant all the time. So, taking a home pregnancy kit just to be sure or getting your urine tested will be the right steps to follow.

Various changes will occur in your body during the last stages of pregnancy like headaches, backaches, varicose veins or leg cramps, constipation, hemorrhoids and more. But, the symptoms are quite mild during the early stages. So, consulting our doctor for the right result is a good approach.

Early signs of pregnancy:

Before you proceed further and start to take care of your body, it is time to focus on the early signs of pregnancy. It will give you a head start on what is waiting for you. Some pregnancy signs might be caused as a result of illness or stress like nausea, tiredness or a missed period. So, running a pregnancy kit seems to be a plausible solution. But, first, let’s jump straight into some first signs of pregnancy.

  • Missed period:

The very first and tell-tale sign of possible pregnancy is when you end up missing your period for a month. But that’s not all! Some women might experience some light bleeding during the time of their expected period.

  • Vomiting and nausea:

Also known as morning sickness, vomiting and nausea are some of the early signs of pregnancy. Morning sickness is one such condition that affects more than half of pregnant women. Here, you will not just feel a vomiting tendency but might end up losing your appetite as well. However, some women with morning sickness will not get the symptoms in the morning, but can have the same feeling throughout the day!

Mostly morning sickness begins during the 4th or 6th week of pregnancy. It mostly gets settled down by the time week 12 comes. However, in some patients, morning sickness can be their friend for 32 weeks as well!

  • Fatigue:

During the early days of pregnancy, overwhelming tiredness is pretty common. It is mostly caused because of the massive increase in the sex hormone progesterone. This hormone is highly needed for maintaining a healthy pregnancy and will help the baby to grow. It further helps in slowing down the metabolism power.

Therefore, doctors will always recommend you to have some sleep during the early stages. You can see a rise in your energy level again around the 4th month of pregnancy once the placenta gets well established.

Tiredness can also happen during pregnancy caused by anaemia. It is a result of iron deficiency. Indulging in iron-rich food items is vital for preventing iron deficiency during pregnancy. Medical treatments will involve iron tablets. At some point, iron infusion might be required.

  • Changes in your breast:

When a woman gets pregnant, her breasts become swollen, tender and fuller. You might notice the same feelings a few days before the start of your period. That makes it difficult for people to guess if they are pregnant right off the bat! During the time of pregnancy, the skin surrounding the nipple gets darker and the veins within the breast become quite obvious.

Get the best help from Mannat Fertility:

If you are looking forward to a safe journey towards parenthood, then Mannat Fertility Clinic is the first and foremost name that should cross your mind. We have helped so many parents enjoy their newborns and you could be next in time. Whether you are aiming for IVF treatment or an IUI plan, we have everything in store and under one roof. Just make sure to get in touch with our team of doctors ASAP without wasting time. After a proper and thorough examination, we will offer the right customised treatment plan.

Giving us a call at +91 87629 25555 is a quick way to get in touch with our esteemed doctors. You can further visit our official website to learn more.


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