This treatment is preferred to those couples who are not able to conceive a baby because of male infertility. At present, it is not a rare treatment. If this treatment is required, then couples give it first preference. It is In Vitro Fertilization or IVF. In this procedure, the cell of single sperm is injected into the cytoplasm of the egg. The purpose of using this treatment is to form the gametes for the embryo’s obtention. In addition to that, it is delivered to the uterus of the mother. The whole process of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is done in the Lab.
There is a single significant difference between the ICSI and IVF. In the ICSI, only one sperm cell is required to inject. In contrast to it in the IVF, around 50 to 100 thousand sperm cells are needed. Apart from it, the process of insemination is the same.
Indications that you need this treatment:
Not all couples required this treatment. The doctors suggest this treatment only to those who have the below-mentioned signs.
- It is used to overcome the problem of male fertility.
- When the egg is not attached to the sperm.
- The movement of the sperm is not normal, that means abnormal.
- When the male partner does not produce enough sperm for insemination.
- This treatment is used in Azoospermia that is the failure of IVF treatment.
- Due to the presence of antibodies in the sperm.
The above indications show that you need the treatment. Otherwise, there are numerous types of surgery to tackle the problem of infertility.
Will ICSI work?
When the doctors suggest this treatment, then couples have numerous questions in their minds. The most common question is, will it work or not? This treatment fertilizes around 50 to 80 percentile. After fertilization, there is also the chance of pregnancy. On the other side, there are also problems occurring either after or during the treatment.
- This is also a chance either some or all eggs can be damaged.
- After this procedure, the egg may not grow or develop in the embryo.
- The growth of the Embryo may be stopped.
- There is a risk of congenital disabilities. The chance of this risk is hardly 1.5 to 3 percentile.
The age of the women also matters in this process. The reason is that chances of success depend upon this fact. Some of the couples have a baby at the first chance. Mannat Fertility Center is one of the best and 8th ranked Indian Fertility Center. All types of fertility treatments are given and the success rate is very high.