Making a strong bond with your baby is an essential thing for every parent. If you want to make better relations with your baby, there is no need to wait for them until they are born. You can make a good Bond with your Unborn baby also during your pregnancy. Creating an attachment with the unborn baby is essential so that when the baby takes birth, it automatically generates a connection between parents and their baby. If you want to make a connection with your Unborn Baby, read on and find how it is possible.
What the babies experience in the womb?
Before we talk about how to create a relation between Unborn babies and their parents, the most important thing to pay attention to is the feeling that the babies feel inside their mothers’ womb. When you get to know about the things Unborn baby experience in the belly of women, then you will automatically get to know what to do.
Sound sensation
After 18 weeks of your pregnancy, the baby starts hearing the sound of your body. He can listen to the Heartbeat, the stomach sounds. After 26 weeks of pregnancy, the baby can react to the sounds from inside and outside also. Even the loud noise can hurt the baby.
Language recognition
After 32 weeks of pregnancy, the Unborn baby starts understanding and catching the language. Even in a few research, it is mentioned that the Unborn baby is good at understanding the language.
Find a few things to create a bond between parents and the baby:
- Start talking and sing with the baby.
- Gently give massages to the belly, to make the Unborn baby feel good.
- Do not take stress at all. Try to make yourself happy, lead a healthy time during pregnancy. If you want someone to talk, then choose your partner for it.
So mothers take care of your help and create secure connections with your Unborn baby.