In the pregnancy, the baby grows in the womb and the baby moves in the womb. You can feel the situation of the kicking or wiggle in the womb, and it is a good feeling for the pregnant lady. Your baby can take turns in the womb and may twist also. In the last month of the pregnancy, it is important for the lady to take the test of the position of the baby. During the last month of the pregnancy, it is important to have complete information about the baby because the baby is bigger and growing day by day. Now, your baby can not take more turns because of the less space because the baby is growing daily.
So, you need to take the knowledge of the position of the baby and the difficult time starts when the due date comes. If you want to get normal delivery, then it is essential to provide the best position for your baby, and it will give the benefits during the delivery. Given are some positions that you need to know:
Anterior Position
In this position, the head of the baby is down and the face of the baby facing your back. The chin of the baby is pushed into the chest. The position can be checked with the help of the testing, and you can know about the position by taking the help of the doctors that are child specialists. The head of the baby is ready for entering the pelvis in the situation of anterior.
In this situation or position, the baby has space, and the baby can take the movements with more flexibility. The baby controls the neck and head position of the baby in the position. Most pregnant ladies have the same condition in which the baby is in the position of the anterior. It is the ideal position of the babies and helps in the delivery to make it comfortable and easier.
Posterior Position
In this situation, the head stays down, and the face is positioned opposite of the stomach side face. The position is different from the anterior. This position is also called the OP position, and a lot of pregnant women get the same situation as the position of their babies. In this position, there are more chances of prolonged delivery.
It can create back pain to the women who are pregnant, and women face the pain during the delivery. If you want to know about more positions, then you need to check on the internet, and you can take the information from the doctors also. We hope that you have understood the details about the provided positions of the babies during pregnancy.