What is high fertility?
A woman’s body prepares for ovulation by generating cervical fluid that’s great for transporting sperm. Prior to ovulation cervical fluid is sticky, tacky or thick. This type of fluid is hostile to sperm since semen basically gets stuck in the viscous liquid and can not make it to the egg. EWCM (egg-white cervical mucus) is thin, stretchy and appears like egg-white. It will help sperm to glide through the vagina and up to the awaiting egg.
Scientists have found that this sort of mucus is the best indicator of high fertility. According to research at the University of North Carolina, couples who had sex on a day when the girl has EWCM are far more likely to conceive.
What is the cause of high fertility rates in India?
Actually, Indian fertility rates are not that high. Only two states are above 3.0 and even they are falling fast. Once you adjust for mortality, most Indian states are at replacement rate or below.