Outer Ring Road Marathahalli Near Innovative Multiplex Bangalore- 560037
Mon-Sat 8:00am-:8:00pm
You are –
Your baby –
Pregnancy assumption is full of excitement and mixed emotions by the time you start conceiving. You might be lucky enough because you know that you are pregnant. If you still don’t know, you should ask yourself a few questions.
Did you ovulate on time? Was it the time on that night you couldn’t sleep with your partner? You can get a better insight into the age of your embryo with an ultrasound in a few weeks but the countdown will remain the same.
You might be recording temperature, charting, testing mucus, or using ovulation predictor kits. You might be visiting a fertility clinic for embryo transfer. You might be just hoping or going through things in traditional ways, such as having passionate encounters with your partner or husband. No matter which way you choose, it is for sure that the best thing is ready to happen in your life.
It’s the best time to start your pregnancy diet which is high in fiber and whole grains while keeping track of your carbohydrate and fat level.
Don't be discouraged. It's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.
Our 24/7 support system is always available to help you with every query regarding pregnancy and infertility issues.