Why Us
- We are a fertility solution centre. This means that we explore conceiving in a natural manner as the first option. We have proven research that human body can come back to normal on its own. We work on Body-Mind-Spirit to detect the cause of your infertility beyond biology. We have found that negative emotions or negative events of your life create biological disorder to cause infertility. almost always, this is reversible else, we conclude for IVF and other techniques.
- With research and treatment to cure people in a natural way, we are integrated medical centre driven by Dr.(Mrs) Archna Agarwal Gynaecologist, who has more than 15 years of experience. So, we are a modern Allopathy centre equipped with modern facility approaching your problems holistically rather than a spiritual healing centre without any modern facility.
- We look at infertility as a human problem and it is a huge emotional drainage on the couple. We explore the journey of your life to first help you come to terms with it and then find out the cause of this problem either in your life journey, family tree or in karma. Regardless, you begin to get peace with yourself from the day one.
- Realizing that it is the fairly new concept for many of us to believe how it can be applied for fertility, we have worked out a package of 10 hours of the module for you called VEDANA. It allows you not only to experience the peace which we are talking about but there are a case where a couple conceived within 3 weeks of completing the package.
- In case, IVF is to be done, we increase the success rate from 35% to more than 50% through our holistic work. We are equipped with the latest technology including ICSI, surgical sperm retrieval, embryo freezing, embryo biopsy, laser assisted hatching and blastocyst transfer, using the best equipment and disposables.
- Through holistic healing, we have been able to increase mortality rate, decrease biological age, reduce stress and bring peace to you to understand why you are going through this problem.
- Needless to say, our approach is highly personal, confidential and very intimate and caring.Of course, there are no walk in. We do not see you as patient but someone who has some problem. It is highly personal touch and very time-consuming. Initial work is done without you visiting us. It is only when you begin to see the wisdom in our work, you may visit us. (applicable for outstation and overseas couple)
- We are not an factory. In fact, IVF is last option for us. So far we have achieved maximum success in most cases combining healing and coaching sessions with our allopathy treatment. Even IVF success rate increased phenomenally using these holistic approaches.
- Finally, people who have experienced us tell us that we are very ethical, upfront and honest in our approach. Almost always, cost is fixed and there are no surprises for you.
- firmly believe that PCOS is over-diagnosed condition and most of couples get benefits by just correcting and balancing it out.